• Since I want your ideas, I thought I would start with mine.

    For my suggestions I would imagine the following titles are ‘no-brainers’:

    Space Harrier
    Afterburner (or perhaps G-Loc)
    Rad Mobile
    Virtua Racing

    I’m not sure how they’d accomplish these titles with the joystick and six-button setup they have, but they’re seen as being iconic Sega arcade titles and I would find it odd for them to be omitted. As for games I would like to see on the mini-console:

    Last Bronx
    Dead or Alive
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 (That six-button layout is screaming for a Street Fighter game!)
    SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog (The game would have to be reworked to using a joystick instead of the original trackball)
    Radiant Silvergun

    While I don’t believe any of the titles above will actually be included in the final unit, I can certainly hope.

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