Nintendo has announced that the upcoming reboot of the Game Boy Advance strategy titles, Advance Wars 1+2 titles is to be delayed indefinitely.
In a recent tweet, Nintendo has announced that they will be delaying the release of Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp. Originally due for release on the 8th April 2022, the title has now been delayed indefinitely. Although Nintendo did say to stay tuned for a release date in the future.
While not specifically mentioned by Nintendo. The ‘recent world events are certainly referring to the ongoing Russian occupation of Ukraine. Although Advance Wars mostly has a light-hearted tone, it’s likely that Nintendo decided it would be in poor taste to release a title that has many parallels to the real-world conflict.

Strangely enough, this isn’t the first time that the Advance Wars series has fallen afoul of real-world events. The original Advance Wars launched on the 10th of September 2001. Just a day before the tragic terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. This led to the Japanese release, due a few weeks later, being cancelled completely.
While fans are understandably disappointed with the news. Many are understand the situation and agree Nintendo made the right call to delay the title in the meantime. This is likely an easier decision for Nintendo given Advance Wars’s somewhat more niche appeal compared to other Nintendo properties.
What are your thoughts on Nintendo’s decision to postpone the release of Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp? We’d love to know in the comments below.