Episode 42. Who can believe it's already been 20 years since the release of the original Xbox console? Certainly not Barry and Anthony!
Luster, the latest class to join the roster of Phantasy Star Online 2 launches today.
Come and join us for the first episode of the Retro Gaming Dads podcast. In this inaugural episode we take a look back at 2020.
After releasing on the Microsoft Store, PSO2 comes to Steam this month. It’s been almost eight years since the original launch of Sega’s Phantasy Star Online 2, and only recently has it fi...
New Genesis is the latest entry in the Phantasy Star Online series, which is also celebrating it's 20th anniversary this year - how time has flown! This is both an update to the existing Phantasy Sta...
Updated with new information for building a Mag for the new Luster class. Jump to Classes: Hunter and Fighter | Ranger and Gunner | Force and Techer | Braver and Bouncer Hero, Phantom, Etoile and Lust...
After waiting over 8 years, The PSO2 launch has finally come to the west on the Xbox One, with the PC version due next month in May. Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) made its surprise announcement at 201...
SEGA announced that players who take part in the Phantasy Star Online 2 Closed Beta will be able to earn rewards for their characters once the game releases in Spring. Everyone who logs in during the ...
It’s almost here, the Phantasy Star Online 2 closed beta will be available from 7th to the 8th February 2020, starting 17:00 PST (01:00 GMT). The best part is all progress made during the closed...